Here we go!

Hello World!

This is a story of our life. We are what you might call a normal, or regular family living in a not so normal and regular country. We grew on land, I spent much of my youth on local river called Zapadna Morava. There I learned how to love and respect nature. My wife didn’t had any interest in rivers but both of us enjoyed sea very much. Before all of this we were couple of times on boats, usually some touristic few hour tours. We are working 9 to 5 raising our son and investing a lot of effort so we can travel few times a year. Living in Serbia can be beautiful but it can be hard too. We survived menu things during our childhood and early youth. From hyperinflation to bombing.  Despite all that we decided to pursue our dream – Sailing life. This is a story of how we were dragged into it.

It all begun 4 years ago when we visited Ammouliani island in Chalkidiki during our stay in Ierisos. It was a beautiful day and we saw a guy renting motorboats beside road to ancient city of Ouranoupoli. We stopped there and decided to take motorboat and drive our self’s to the other side of the nearby island. Locals told us that there is beautiful beach. So we went for exploration. It was one of our first solo trips on any kind of boat.

On our way to the Alykes beach we had a slight detour for snorkeling and hanging out with seagulls. This was very positive experience for us. We fed seagulls and enjoyed swimming in, for our past time understanding, open waters. 🙂

When we approached our destination our faces turned into big smiles. The beach was stunning. Clear water, relaxed music in a bar, sand… This is what we saw on that images of great beaches around the globe. And since we didn’t travel so much when we younger, this meant a world to us.

We had much fun and enjoyment under the sun on almost white silky sand. Our son was afraid of the water at the time and this beach is shallow at the beginning so it was perfect for him. Once we finished our regular day fun it was time to go. At the time we were planing on purchasing some weekend house somewhere in Serbia. Than suddenly from the horizon came a sailing ship. We were always found of the ships, but this scene was magical for us. In the cloud of our thoughts there was a mix of unrealized dreams of generations before us. WOW what a scene!

We packed our stuff on our rented motor boat and puled our anchor saying thank-yous and goodbyes to our favorite beach. As we were passing on back side of the sailing boat we saw older couple dining with glass of wines on deck. Our son waved at them and they waved back. At that moment I turned around to my wife pointed my finger towards boat and said. Maya, pension! The only way I imagine my days after working years is this! In that split second our idea of having a weekend house just vanished. Afterwards we started working towards our goal. Sailing on our own!